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How to get feedback on your work?

How to get feedback on your work?


Clients rarely take permanent makeup lightly. After all, in essence we are talking about a tattoo on the face, so naturally they want to get the highest quality work possible.

This means that clients will research the market before booking a procedure, and of course, searching online will be the first thing they do. You need to be sure that when they look at your salon name, they will have a good reason to come to you.

So, having an online presence in the form of a website and social media with as many examples of your work as possible is an important first step, but if these are backed up by reviews from real clients, it's a winning combination.

Here's the thing - satisfied customers are usually willing to leave reviews , but they need a little nudge.

1. Explain why their feedback would mean a lot to you.

Applying permanent makeup takes a significant amount of time, which means you will have the opportunity to casually bring up the topic of a review and explain to the client why it is important to you. Explain what helps not only your business, but also helps people who are just thinking about tattooing make the right decision.

2. Don't fawn

Make it clear that you would be grateful, but don't go overboard. Do it professionally and emphasize that it is their choice whether to do it or not. You need to appear confident in your skills and your business, rather than depending on their goodwill.

3. Don't push

Don't ask for feedback more than once or twice. Clients don't like being pressured. If you push too hard, they may get angry and upset, which will cause them to either say they'll leave a review just to get rid of you and never actually do it, or they'll leave something generic and not very valuable.

4. Explain the process and highlight how quick and easy it is.

Not all of us are equally tech-savvy, and not all of us are equally internet-savvy. Plus, some of your clients are probably busy people who may not have much free time. So, you need to reassure them that leaving a review on the platform where your business is listed is quick and easy.

You should send them all the links and if you feel they need it, give them step by step instructions. It requires a little more effort on your part, but it's worth it.

5. Don't try to influence the review.

Customer reviews should be open and honest, so don't try to point your customers in the direction of what you want them to write. If you've done everything in your power to provide them with quality service, you have no reason to worry about what they have to say. Plus, honest feedback is more valuable because it allows you to improve your business.

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